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Monday, July 26, 2010

I was just thinking, why do people care so much what other people think?
Some say they don't, but they always seem to be lying. It's in the human NATURE to care what other people think? But we shouldn't! It doesn't matter if you like a TV show everyone thinks is lame or uncool.
It doesn't matter if you listen to a singer everyone makes fun of.
Most of the time, alot of people like those things too, they just think everyone else doesn't, so they lie to seem cool.
So, you might be saying, "Well if you know so much about it then tell me how to not care!"
Truth is, I can't!
I do it myself, I don't know how to make myself not care.
Do you?

Sunday, July 4, 2010

My Bucket List (Not in preferred Order, added as thought of)

My Bucket List
1. Go to Botanical Gardens. [ ]
2. Get a Life [ ]
3. Burp the Alphabet *NO STOPS* [ ]
4. Decorate my room the way I want it. No restraints. [ ]
5. Shoot a gun. Paintball. [ ]
6. INVENT a smiley face that catches on [ ] - Try this! (o\./o) *Its a chipmunk*
7. Learn how to speak Dutch. [ ]
8. Make this blog more famous! [ ]
9. Finish this List [ ]
10. Live in at least 5 states *Minimum time of: 5 months.* [ ]
11. See Niagra Falls. [ ]
12. Hail a taxi. [x]
13. Stand where only a thin layer is keeping you from falling to the ground [x]