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Wednesday, June 30, 2010


How are we all not created equal?
Everyone is more advanced in certain areas and others are advanced in others!
Someone with autism could be in an advanced math class!

I suck at algebra, but most people in my class are great at it, but I'm better at trigonometry, and some people aren't!
Someone can be a great artist but be a horrible writer, while someone is a great writer but a horrible artist, thats how we get books with covers and pictures for little kids!
A person with autism could be smarter then me!
My aunt has down syndrome and she has throat problems and stuff, but that girl can make these beautiful rugs with these kits she buys, and she makes these bead things and melts them together and they are GORGEOUS! She isn't good at math but I have a rug she made hung up on my wall that she made for me when i was a child! How are we NOT created equal!?!
Everyone has a talent!
Everyone has flaws!
Some people need to stop thinking they are better then others!

Monday, June 28, 2010

BP Oil Spill

It is BP's fault... They decided to take the cheap and quick route on every possible thing, which resulted in this oil spill, And florida lost tons of money because they sent out commercials and advertisement for beaches BEFORE the oil spill, and now beaches will be SHUT DOWN because of the spill IF the oil gets closer to the shore.
The pollution and oil is killing animals, which is one of the worsts things so me, because Florida will eventually recover if the oil gets to shore, It will be awhile, but they will. Tons of animals have died!! Lives are gone because of BP!
Seagulls, Turtles, Fish, TONS AND TONS of animals were affected by this!
Yet BP still doesn't take the blame!

Get over yourselves BP, this IS your fault. Cheapskates.

Sincerely, Mikaela Benjamin.

This poor bird was stuck in the BP oil spill